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Reducing Opex
Apollo Solar’s Telecom System is designed to reduce operating expenses for remote telecommunications installations.
How Apollo Solar Telecom Systems Reduce Opex
- Harness the lower cost of solar relative to diesel
- Fewer service calls
- Fewer site visits with remote monitoring of all functions
- Faster installations: turnkey installation, standard sizes
- Factory assembled and tested system backed by a 5 year warranty (extensions available)
- Lower PV Module Costs: higher energy harvest from fewer modules
Why a hybrid or pure solar system is the best investment.
Three factors make a solar or solar/diesel hybrid system the optimal investment:
Diesel OPEX keeps going up
Solar CAPEX has come down
Solar Hybrid Systems now offer fast ROI
Cost of energy: related to the cost of diesel fuel.

And the cost of diesel fuel rises with the cost of crude oil.

In late Sept, 2018, the price of Crude Oil was $80/bbl. The base price of Diesel Fuel in the US was $0.68/liter.
Source: Transportation Business Associates.

Internal Rectifier for Hybrid Solar, Diesel, and AC Input, with Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) for grid or generator AC input.
Read our new Case Study!
A Case Study in Cost Reduction and Greenhouse Gas Elimination